Jeg anbefaler dig på det varmeste at gå i terapi hos Anja. Hendes hjertelighed og evne til at være empatisk – hun forstår alting –
samtidig med hendes vidunderligt forløsende og intelligente udsagn.

Hun er i min optik helt unik.

Min terapi hos Anja giver mig altid et løft – og det er uanset hvilket livsaspekt der fylder og har behov for opmærksomhed i samtalen.

Hvis du søger efter den kærligeste og mest effektive måde “at komme videre på” – så har du nu muligheden.

Tro mig – Anja er et godt valg – alt det bedste til dig der læser mine ord.

Maria 44

I bought this theme and i would like to recommend it to every one interested in building a website without knowledge of php or html. It is very

Jeg anbefaler dig på det varmeste at gå i terapi hos Anja. Hendes hjertelighed og evne til at være empatisk – hun forstår alting –
samtidig med hendes vidunderligt forløsende og intelligente udsagn.

Hun er i min optik helt unik.

Min terapi hos Anja giver mig altid et løft – og det er uanset hvilket livsaspekt der fylder og har behov for opmærksomhed i samtalen.

Hvis du søger efter den kærligeste og mest effektive måde “at komme videre på” – så har du nu muligheden.

Tro mig – Anja er et godt valg – alt det bedste til dig der læser mine ord.

I terapien har jeg fortalt, reflekteret, delt mit liv og tanker (også de skamfulde), oplevet accept, fået trøst, fået indsigt til klogere valg og meget mere.

Det er alvor og bliver taget alvorligt og vi griner også, Det er nemlig med til at give energi og liv og fleksibilitet i mit eget indre system og i relationen med andre.

Marin 48 år., Your Content Goes Here

Det er svært kort at beskrive, hvor betydningsfuldt et forløb jeg har haft. Det blev begyndelsen på en lang rejse, jeg ikke kunne gøre mig nogen forstilling om – og det er en rejse jeg stadig er på.

Jeg har været igennem både sorg/krise, gamle traumer og så den helt ‘almindelige udvikling’, der følger med, mens jeg lærer mig selv bedre at kende.

For mit vedkommende har denne udvikling kunne gøre lade sig gøre, fordi jeg altid har følt mig rummet uanset, hvordan jeg har haft det i det øjeblik, jeg har sat mig i stolen.

Hos Anja er jeg blevet mødt med dyb respekt, for mig som menneske og for min historie. Jeg har oplevet en nysgerrighed på mig og et kæmpe nærvær. Her har jeg også oplevet en tålmodighed til at vente på, at jeg blev klar. Klar til tillid og klar til det mod, der skal til at undersøge sin egen historie. Her skaber Anja rummet til at være med det der er, lige nu og her. Det er i dette rum, jeg altid er blevet mødt med en utrolig empati.

Anja har i dag en helt speciel plads i mit hjerte og jeg er taknemmelig for at hun krydsede min vej.

Pia 36 år, Your Content Goes Here

Testimonial Slider

The Testimonial Shortcode includes a great slider that can showcase unlimited testimonials per slider, per page. Control the speed of the slides via the Theme Options.

“Thank you for your very professional and prompt response. I went to look for answers to my own questions and quickly realized that the information I was requesting was very easy to find. As were the videos and the instructions. In fact everything has been perfect so far. This is by far the most well supported theme I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Lots of wonderful options. I wished I had found you before I spent money on a competitors theme. Thanks again for the great support and for a great product.”
William Genske, My Company
“If I could give 100 stars for support and attention to detail I definitely would. I’ve purchased a good number of WordPress themes from various developers that look good on Themeforest but after you buy them you find numerous problems, bugs, crazy admin and very very poor support. I purchased the Avada theme and there were a couple of problems too, but the guys from ThemeFusion were remarkable – I really mean this. The speed of support and attention to detail is quite phenomenal. If you are considering buying this theme at all then take it from me, you will be extremely pleased.”
Stuartyboy, Avada Theme
“Hi, I just wanted to say thanks for the great theme. I’m finding new ways to improve it every day and find that it’s been the most user-friendly theme I’ve ever purchased. I am practically computer illiterate and know extremely little if anything at all about code, CSS, or any of the inner workings of a website. The Avada theme removes all the worry, hassle, frustration and angst that beginners (and novices) feel when designing websites. If you can read and follow directions, this theme is for you. I’ve tried a hundred plug-ins with other themes and the Avada theme makes almost all of them unnecessary and obsolete.”
Strata1, Avada Theme

Single Testimonials

Aside from the Testimonial Slider, you can also choose to showcase testimonials individually to give them the spotlight they deserve.

I bought this theme and i would like to recommend it to every one interested in building a website without knowledge of php or html. It is very convenient and the customer service is very reactive. I will say it in French “Bravo” for this work!
Aajami, Avada Theme
Amazing theme and top class support, as I’m a beginner, Luke helped me above and beyond and was more than patient, his responses were quick and he has a genuine care for you to enjoy and move forward with your theme!.. highly recommended theme and author!
Lucasgriffin, Avada Theme
Let me say something. You have an amazing theme and amazing/awesome support. They helped me on weekend. This is what I call an “extra mile” in customer relationship. So I gave 5 stars for the theme and if I could, I’d give 10 stars for support.
Gojcus, Avada Theme

Customization Options

Choose between two styles: Classic, and Clean. Customize your avatar icons to be male, female, or a custom image and attach links to company names or titles. Control the background color as well as the text color.

“Thank you for your very professional and prompt response. I went to look for answers to my own questions and quickly realized that the information I was requesting was very easy to find. As were the videos and the instructions. In fact everything has been perfect so far. This is by far the most well supported theme I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Lots of wonderful options. I wished I had found you before I spent money on a competitors theme. Thanks again for the great support and for a great product.”
William Genske, Avada Theme
“Hi, I just wanted to say thanks for the great theme. I’m finding new ways to improve it every day and find that it’s been the most user-friendly theme I’ve ever purchased. I am practically computer illiterate and know extremely little if anything at all about code, CSS, or any of the inner workings of a website. The Avada theme removes all the worry, hassle, frustration and angst that beginners (and novices) feel when designing websites. If you can read and follow directions, this theme is for you. I’ve tried a hundred plug-ins with other themes and the Avada theme makes almost all of them unnecessary and obsolete.”
Strata1, Avada Theme
“If I could give 100 stars for support and attention to detail I definitely would. I’ve purchased a good number of WordPress themes from various developers that look good on Themeforest but after you buy them you find numerous problems, bugs, crazy admin and very very poor support. I purchased the Avada theme and there were a couple of problems too, but the guys from ThemeFusion were remarkable – I really mean this. The speed of support and attention to detail is quite phenomenal. If you are considering buying this theme at all then take it from me, you will be extremely pleased.”
Stuartyboy, Avada Theme

Use In Any Columns

Use the Testimonial Shortcode with any Column Shortcode to control the width and fit it to any part of your website.

Hey Theme Fusion. Just wanted to say thanks for the great videos. I’ve recently expanded from Joomla to WordPress and am using your Avada theme. These videos have been a huge help in learning my way around WP as well as using the Avada theme to its full potential.
Stiggandr1, Avada Theme
Avada is the best theme I’ve ever bought! Theme Fusion has the best support over the net! Keep it up!
Breakbeat, Avada Theme

Complete Set of Options

Every option and description included with the testimonials shortcode is listed below.

  • design – Can be one these values: classic, or clean. Sets the design of the shortcode.
  • backgroundcolor – Accepts a hexcode ( #000000 ), RGBA values ( rgba(0,0,0,0) ) or certain alphabetic values. For example, #AA0000, (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1), black, or transparent. Sets the background color. Leave Blank for Theme Option selection.
  • textcolor – Accepts a hexcode ( #000000 ), RGBA values ( rgba(0,0,0,0) ) or certain alphabetic values. For example, #AA0000, (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1), black, or transparent. Sets the text color. Leave Blank for Theme Option selection.
  • name – The name or alias of the person who provided the testimonial. For example, John Doe.
  • avatar – Can be one of these values: male, female, none, or image. Sets the avatar. If image is used, you will also have image option.
  • image – The URL path of the image you want to display, starting with http:// and usually ending on .jpg, .png or .gif. 40px max width.
  • image_border_radius – Accepts a pixel value that sets the image’s radius. For example, 1px. Leave Blank for Theme Option selection.
  • company – The company name of the person who provided the testimonial. For example, ThemeFusion.
  • link – the URL path of the company. For example,
  • linktarget – Can be one of these values: _blank for new window, or _self for same window.
  • class – Add a custom class to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.
  • id – Add a custom id to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.

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